Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City -

Telefon: 8013627631.
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Specjalności: Pielęgnacja trawników, Service establishment.

Opinie: Ta firma ma 51 recenzji na Google My Business.
Średnia opinia: 4.8/5.

Lokalizacja Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City - Pielęgnacja trawników w Salt Lake City

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City to specjalista w pielęgnacji trawników, zapewniający usługi o wysokiej jakości. Firma znajduje się przy adresie "2828 S 2300 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84109" i można je skontaktować pod numerem telefonu 8013627631.

Specjalności i oferty

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City oferuje usługi pielęgnacji trawników oraz usługi dla przedsiębiorstw. Firma ma szeroką wiedzę o środowisku Park City, co pozwala im na zastosowanie inteligentnych rozwiązań w zarządzaniu użyciem wody. Dzięki temu można zapewnić piękny i zdrowy trawnik, przy jednoczesnym zmniejszeniu wpływu na środowisko.

Opinie i ocena

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City ma 51 recenzji na Google My Business, a średnia ocena wynosi 4.8/5. Większość opinii jest bardzo pozytywna. Klientowie chwalą znajomość firmy środowiska, szybkie reagowanie na problemy trawnika, przyjazne usługi oraz umiarkowaną cenę.

Dlaczego wybrać Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City to profesjonalna firma, zapewniająca usługi pielęgnacji trawników na najwyższym poziomie. Ich znajomość środowiska i umiejętność zastosowania inteligentnych rozwiązań w zarządzaniu użyciem wody czyni je doskonałym wyborem dla każdego, kto pragnie pięknego i zdrowego trawnika.

Kontakt i informacje dodatkowe

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, odwiedź stronę internetową Firma jest otwarta na kontakt i zaproszenie do współpracy.


Jeśli szukasz profesjonalnej i przyjaznej firmy pielęgnacji trawników w Salt Lake City, zalecamy skontaktować się z Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City. Ich usługi i wiedza o środowisku pomogą Ci zapewnić piękny i zdrowy trawnik, przy minimalnym wpływie na środowisko. Skorzystaj z ich oferty i odwiedź ich stronę internetową

Recenzje dla Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City -
Josh Footer

EcoLawn has been great taking care of our lawn. Enabled us to make smarter choices with water usage and total care. Fantastic knowledge of Park City environment.

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City -

Eco Lawn is a professional lawn care company. We started their service for the 2020 season and are happy with their service. Our lawn had several issues and I’ve been surprised how quickly it has responded to the treatments. They are reasonably priced for what they offer. I highly recommend their services.

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City -
Brian Walsh

Eco Lawn has done a great job reviving our lawn without having to use harsh chemicals and damaging fertilizers. They are knowledgeable, honest, organized and on-time. I would highly recommend working with Eco Lawn if you need lawn care support and don't want to use heavy industrial chemicals that will eventually run-off into your local water supply.

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City -
Steven Sharp Nelson

Eco Lawn is prompt, effective, considerate and priced very fairly. We have been very pleased with their services. They stand by what they offer. We were using another “green” lawn care company prior to contracting with Eco Lawn, but the treatments weren’t working and our lawn was overrun by crab grass. Eco Lawn helped us get back in control, and without using super harsh chemicals that could hurt our family. Even when a spot needed extra treatment they were happy to come out again at no charge to address it. Highly recommend!

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City -
Kelly Badger

I had been a customer of the "official lawn company of the PGA" and they nearly killed my entire lawn. Wanting to find something more eco-friendly provided by a local company, I came across Eco Lawn and have been been 100% happy with the services they've provided. My lawn and rose bushes look better than they ever have. They took the time to personalize my service before treatments began and their prices have been reasonable. Highly recommended!

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City -
Bull Manfredi

We've used Eco Lawn for 2 years, and our experience has been extremely positive. Tim Naval, the owner/manager, runs the business in a professional manner, responding promptly to our queries, communicating scheduling issues clearly, and accommodating our particular needs and wishes. Perhaps most importantly, I have been amazed by the effectiveness of the lawn treatments. When Eco Lawn started its treatments, I feared that sections of our lawn would not recover from the invasive "weeds" that had become established; specifically, I anticipated that, even if the treatments successfully eliminated the invasives, we would have to reseed the lawn. But in fact the disappearance of the invasives was accompanied by full recovery of the lawn with reappearance of healthy grass... I recommend Eco Lawn unreservedly.

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City -
Laurie Newfarmer

I highly recommend Eco Lawn for your lawn service needs, this will be our 3rd year using their services and couldn't be happier. They are professional, punctual and easy to work with. Our yard is looking so much better thanks to Eco Lawn!

Eco Lawn of Salt Lake City -
Kathy M

I have struggled for years with lawn maintenance. I have had lawn companies and I have also spent years doing myself, hauling 25 lb of fertilizer in a hopper on my back. 4 times a year for fertilizing and spring and fall fungus treatments. My backyard is quite sloped. It isn’t easy. And still I had terrible fungus in the lawn. Last fall I had EcoLawn start the maintenance because I hated to keep pouring more chemicals of all types onto the lawn and I was at my end. Time to try something different. Because the fungus was so bad and throughout the lawn, I expected it would take a few years. I was prepared to be patient. I have now been a client of EcoLawn for a full year.

First, I was very impressed with the front staff and the communications to me. I was always informed the day before they came and a small flag was left in my boulevard after they finished. I never saw any granules on the cement sidewalk or driveway. Everyone I interacted with seemed very professional. My dogs never had any adverse reactions with their products. Invoices were sent by email, I paid online, and I thought the prices were fair.

The most amazing thing to me is my lawn. No sign of fungus this year at all! I have fought with this for years. My neighbors still have significant lawn disease so I know it’s still in the neighborhood. But what a difference to me—my grass was green and healthy looking all season. I never expected to see this result so soon. I highly recommend them and plan to continue with their program.

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